9/10/23 PEI

Great Cortado start at the Cranewood bakery - met the amazing owner/barista and had the best Cortado ever

We arrived in Charlottetown around 10am and as luck would have it, we were able to visit the Charlottetown Farmers Market. There were artists, food vendors and vegetable stands lining the main street closed off to traffic.

We topped off our market visit with coffees at an outdoor cafe on a side street from the market.

At 2pm we checked in to our cottage unit in the Sirens beach motel - Met Tracy the manager who is originally from Ontario and took over the management last year Enjoyed some Beach time with eagles and Rose frizzante to watch the tide come in and get our toes wet in the ocean. Dinner at the Boat House - our chef, Dean, is originally from Whitby and went to All Saints Secondary until 2010 - We had seafood chowder and sauted scallops

Cranewood Bakery

Best Cortado so far on our trip!

Charlottetown Farmers Market 

We purchased a unique ceramic plate from this artist and shared the story of our family ceramic artists in LadySmith BC. (JoVic Pottery)

We purchased a Pepperomia plant in a pot created by this German artist

We strolled down Victoria Row near the market and found the Receiver Coffee company cafe and stopped to enjoy a iced mochaccino and a cortado

Cottage #2 at the Sirens Beach Motel. The only property this close to the ocean front in all of PEI!

Just a few short steps and we are seaside!

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