9/9/23 Sackville, NB

 Day 4 We meet Darrell and his wife Joyce!

One of the goals of our Maritime Road Trip is to meet my half brother Darrell for the first time face to face.

We arrange to meet at a local restaurant in his home town of Sackville when we arrive mid afternoon from Edmunston after a 4 hr drive.

We enjoy a pleasant late lunch and lively conversation and attempt to fill in the gaps after leading separate lives in very different places.

And like the enjoyable lunch we shared with my other brother Bob and his cousins Alison and Julie in his home town of Camberly, Surrey in the UK, a lifetime of separation has come to an end and the three brothers have shared some time together.

Francis and I with Joyce and Darrell

Darrell gifted me some of his home grown and packaged Summer Savory spice mix. 
He runs a small market garden business and sells into farm shops around the province.
Can't wait to add this to my next recipe!

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